Drilled displacement piles are a type of augered pile, however instead of removing the material, the soil is displaced laterally into the surrounding soil resulting in a similar profiled regular shaft pile.

Common uses
Generally used to greater depths than alternative methods and can be used as structural load bearing elements – Piles or as part of ground engineering technique of rigid inclusions. When used as piles these can be full or partial displacement (if stiffer soils or minimum rock sockets are required) designed in accordance with AS2159:2009.
The energy required to displace the soil involes the use of high torque and crowd force rigs, Keller have the largest fleet of these specialist rigs in Australia.
A versatile and increasingly popular product used as a structural foundation solution for buildings. The displacement of soil during installation improves the strength of the soil by compacting the surrounding material thus maximising pile capacity and stiffness. These piles are effectively vibration free, and produce minimal spoil.
Quality assurance
Keller deliver consistent high quality results whilst constructing displacement piles utilising real time on board & remote monitoring of telemetry of all the functions governing the quality of the pile construction.
In addition, our Federal Safety Commission (FSC) accreditation, company standards, processes, policies and procedures have been specifically developed to ensure consistent excellent project delivery. Within all industry sectors Keller works strictly to Australian Standards along with the relevantProject or Industry Specifications (DTMR, RMS, VIC Roads, Main Roads WA etc). Keller offer fully qualified in house design via certified engineers that can deliver quality piling and ground improvement solutions.
Our design and engineering certification capability includes offering static tests, pile integrity testing, thermal integrity profiling, dynamic pile testing, inclinometer testing, geotechnical inspection, and comprehensive propping/bracing and anchor design to complete the full QA package.