Inspired by International Men’s Day we are recognising our amazing men! Bryan has been nominated as one of our positive business role models.

“He has been instrumental in managing our Victorian team through some very challenging times during this “Covid-19” year. Melbourne was hit hard with Covid-19 outbreaks over the winter months and this has resulted in some of the longest lockdown restrictions worldwide. Despite this, Bryan has worked extremely hard to ensure all our sites implemented their CovidSafe plans and were approved to continue working during these restrictions. Bryan has been responsible for guiding our site teams through many obstacles and working within these onerous lockdown restrictions and most importantly, ensuring our work personnel have remained safe. This is on top of the usual challenges facing our operations including 24/7 works at Werribee with 3 rigs which was a fantastic success by all involved. He has managed our project engineers/managers with the same “nothing is too difficult” attitude. Bryan’s dedication to the regional team has resulted in a very successful year to date, including safety, quality and financial results. Bryan has also been on the Keller Covid-19 Leadership Team where he has been a key contributor, continuously updating the team on the everchanging guidelines in Melbourne. Despite all these additional challenges Bryan has kept an extremely positive approach and has extended his efforts in many areas beyond his normal duties and responsibilities.
Brenton O’Loughlin
State Manager VIC/TAS
Thank you Bryan for being a positive role model and influencer in the business. These are fantastic qualities and your hard work throughout a challenging year, is greatly appreciated by all.